
Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Favorite Ways to Not Get Things Done

  1. Leaping Before Looking
    I have a bias to action that leads me to want to get started NOW.

  2. Diving Too Deep

    Sometimes it’s not that I don’t see the forest for the trees, it’s that I start climbing the first tree I see, before I see the forest.

  3. Allowing Distractions

    I’m social, so when the phone rings, I like to answer it. When I see a new book, I read it. Sometimes this leads to new books or a googlathon.

  4. Trying to do Too Much

    I don’t have a lack of ideas, I have a lack of time. And I'll find myself switching from A to B to C without finishing anything.

  5. Re-organizing

    If I don’t really want to work on something now, I can always decide that I need to clean out my desk, organize my files, etc.

  6. Analysis Paralysis
I tend to decide that things need more thought. Frequently. And then do it again. I think it’s a sort of perfectionism (which is also a huge impediment to success).

Next, how I fight back!

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